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July 24, 2004

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David and Dale were at the 2005 Mocca Art Festival in NYC June 10 and 11th.

A Lesson Is Learned has been nominated in a bunch of categories in 2005 Cartoonists Choice Awards.

Dale has written a review for Mcsweeney’s in their Reviews of New Food section.


Interviewed by Xenex.org, David and Dale reveal their true ugly natures.

Dale has contributed to Ryan North's collaborative web comic project, Whispered Apologies.


Christopher B. Dino has kindly reviewed our comic in his blog, Totally Jawesome.

Here A Lesson Is Learned is discussed in a lively debate over conceptual webcomics.

There is a review of A Lesson Is Learned in The Webcomics Examiner.



A LESSON IS LEARNED BUT THE DAMAGE IS IRREVERSIBLE updates with incredible regularity, adhering rigorously to a pattern which remains elusive to the world's greatest mathematicians. If you would like to be notified of updates, join our mailing list. We promise to only use your email for our narrow, selfish purposes. You can quit any time you want.



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Archaic creature climbs out of primordial ooze. Dreams of new life for disgusting ooze covered family.

View all Announcements ...


Dale, who writes the comics.

I will jump in to the river crying trying to contribute my tears.

Some of you may have noticed that our site went down yesterday; and I have to say that it did. It turns out, insects made of pure information formed a nest in one of our webhost's servers. There, the queen laid her data packets where they hatched along a stream of binary code. I'm no programmer, so I'll spare you the technical details. However, needless to say, this was the reason why our webhosting service was full of spiders and lies. Eventually a higher intelligence evolved in the data stream which learned to eat the spiders and so here we are, four billion years later, on the planet earth.

Despite all of our webhost's jealous efforts to sabotage our success, we've been receiving a steady flow of 250 visits per day, which I think is pretty good considering we launched four days ago, and there is not one link to our comic on any search engine or website except for a few bulletin boards.

Nevertheless, like a bitter divorcee, I just want more, more, and more out of this settlement, including visitation rights on weekdays, weekends, and holidays. This means linking us up, on bulletin boards where you post, on your site, or even your aim profile. Do your friendsters know about this awesome site that you totally discovered first? Of course they don't; they are so lonely and without funny sites to look at while you laugh in your ivory tower of ALILBTDII. We are so desperate! You have no idea what it is like to spend ALL day on the internet promoting your site; it is like, well it is like that time you spent ALL day on the internet. It is gross, and afterwards you feel kind of sticky, and want to go outside but don't remember what it is like or what they do there.

Since our fourth quarter earnings have been low (we instead received two dimes and three pennies), to please our shareholders David and I have been considering selling an item of some sort on the site-- special items that perhaps we will make. If you can think of something you'd like from us for a fair and modest sum email us, though please NO a) significant portions of our bodies b) more love letters from cute girls in Japan (I'm kidding-- keep 'em comin'!) c) complex criminal and/or revenge schemes. Those are really the only rules I can think of, so let those letters roll on in as if you were writing Santa for baby Jesus' number so you could get advice on calling that girl you like.

The best suggestions we'll start selling on this very here posting board. And you, being lucky enough to know us before we got superhuge and celebrated, will have the opportunity to buy a David Dale O.G., made with a tender care touch, a passion and a yearning, we will never know again once we're poolside at our luxuriant and respective private ranches.

Your friend that's now trying to sell you stuff,


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David, who draws the comics.

Oh... hello.

Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Dale, now... having things to say is his JOB. But I am a simple visual artist, drifting through a world of light and color without a consonant to break my fall.

This issue has no "line art." There are lines, but they've been forced to mingle and commune with the other pictorial elements. I took away their record collection and made them come downstairs to the party.

On another note, we would love to hear your thoughts about the site design. A revision is likely to occur in the coming month, so please let us know any ideas you have in the forum. For example, a bunch of people have complained about having to scroll down on every page to see the comic, and someone said that the Previous and Next buttons are hard to find at a glance. Functionality aside, how's the mood? We tried to make it nice, you know... inoffensive. Welcoming. Clean. Our employees all wear the same smile.

Jeez, any day now we'll be hiring some consumer research agency, and in a week we'll be looking at powerpoint slides and trademarking everything in sight. Have you seen those new Taco Bell commercials? They go kind of like: "Hey Jim, how was lunch at Taco Bell?" "Hmm, well if I were to eat another bite, it would be positively grotesque!" Jim is but the first of a series of people leaping up from sofas, standing on car hoods, etc., all shouting "I'm FULL!" or some synonymous expression. Obviously, somewhere in the domain of Taco Bell, the people's anguished cries have reached the ear of the king.

The messenger kneels: "My liege, your people complain bitterly of an emptiness within. They also want to shop without getting out of their cars."

The king strokes his beard with his glove. "They shall eat tacos, and they shall know peace."


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(c) David Hellman and Dale Beran 2005